Sanctuary Room: Cave of the Mind: By Henry Hudson

7 June - 10 August 2024

Palo Gallery is pleased to present Sanctuary Room: Cave of the Mind, an exhibition of new works by British artist Henry Hudson. Hudson crafts a nuanced dialogue between ancient
wisdom and modernity, interweaving elements of mythology, spirituality, and technological innovation into plaster scagliola pieces and a series of enigmatic oil paintings. The exhibition delves into how cultures throughout history have coped with existential challenges using spirituality and folklore. In Sanctuary Room: Cave of the Mind, Hudson examines how these historical mechanisms continue to shape the modern world. Inspired by Carl Jung's research of the unconscious psyche, the artist investigates the significance of natural phenomena in different mythologies. The way ancient societies,

confronted by the enigmatic forces of nature, developed elaborate belief systems and rituals to navigate life's uncertainties provide a unique subject matter for Hudson. From the cave paintings of prehistoric shamans to the intricate artifacts of ancient civilizations, Hudson identifies a common thread of humanity's quest to comprehend and influence the complexities of existence. Yet in this exploration, Hudson observes a shifting undertone in our contemporary landscape – a gradual detachment from the natural world alongside the pervasive influence of technological advancements affecting modern life.


In Sanctuary Room: Cave of the Mind Hudson presents two distinct bodies of work: tranquil plaster scagliola pieces that evoke the essence of water, and a series of oil paintings made using artificial intelligence. Hudson’s creation of the oil paintings utilizes AI alongside other technological tools such as Photoshop, collaging, and sketching. In this execution, Hudson carries out the rapid conceptualization of live models via AI and other technological tools prior to executing his final work on canvas. Through his contrasting mediums of plaster scagliola and oil paintings, Hudson prompts viewers to contemplate themes of creation, destruction, and transformation while confronting the rapidly changing landscape of modernity. In Hudson's vision, the exhibition becomes a sanctuary – a space for reflection and introspection where the boundaries between past and present, reality and imagination, merge. Each artwork serves as a portal, inviting viewers to embrace the limitless potential of the human mind.


Sanctuary Room: Cave of the Mind stands as a testament to the enduring power of art to
illuminate the hidden recesses of society’s collective psyche, bridging the gap between the known and the unknown in a celebration of the human spirit – a stab at hope in an uncertain world.